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South African Temporary Residence Permits.

2 - 4 weeks for South African new work permit application, work permit renewal, quota work permit application, business permit application, accompany spouse permit application, accompany spouse renewal, life partner permit application, 4 - 6 months for permanent residence permit application.

Visitors Visa Extension Application

Visitors vi​sa can be granted to foreigners who are admitted South Africa and want to sojourn in the Republic for a short period of time, that is up to 90 (ninety days) to conduct whatever legal purpose they are in the Republic for. Some countries have a maximum visit of 30 (thirty days) at a time and some up to 90 (ninety) days at a time.

Applying For Visitors Visa Extension South Africa

Foreigners who are admitted in the Republic and for some reason they want to extend their stay in the Republic must apply at their nearest Department of Home Affairs Regional Office before the expiry date of their current visitors visa.

Requirement for Visitors Visa Extension

  • Complete a Renewal of an Existing Permit Form (bi 1739)
  • Copies of relevant pages of your passport,
  • Letter from the host plus the host's bank statement, 
  • Proof of address and id copy of the host,
  • Valid return ticket or repatriation guarantee (refundable to the depositor after the final departure of the applicant),
  • Our service fee of R1950.00 

Accompany Spouse permit

Accompany spouse permit South Africa is issued to a foreigner who is legally married to a South African Citizen or a holder of South African permanent residence permit. The marriage might have taken place in South Africa or outside RSA.

Requirements For Accompany Spouse Permit 

  • Relevant pages of the existing passport of the applicant,
  • Application For Change of Condition on An Existing Permit form  (bi 1740) (1st time application), or
  • Renewal of an Existing Permit Form (bi 1739) if it is a renewal,
  • Medical  certificate forms (bi 811)  and radiology report form (bi 806) to be completed by qualified medical personnel,
  • Police clearance certificates from each country where the applicant has spent more that five years and a South African police clearance certificate or proof that the applicant has applied for a South African police clearance certificate.
  • Marriage certificate, if the marriage certificate is not in English, an English version by a sworn translator is also required.
  • Motivational letter form the South African spouse,
  • Bank statement of the South African Spouse,
  • Proof of address and id copy of the South African Spouse.
  •  Our service fee of R3550.00 ï»¿



​Applicants for work permits South Africa can apply under the following categories: General Work Permit, Quota Work Permit, Exceptional Skills and Intra-Company Transfer.


General work permit South Africa is issued to foreigner who are not qualifying for Quota Work Permit South Africa below.

Requirements for work permit application South Africa:


  • The potential employer furnishes the Department of Home Affairs with a letter confirming that no suitable SA residence or citizen could not be found who is suitably qualified. ï»¿
  • Relevant qualifications and their SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) certificates should the qualifications be from a foreign institution,
  • Detailed CV,
  • Medical  certificate forms (bi 811)  and radiology report form (bi 806) to be completed by qualified medical personnel,
  • Police clearance certificates from each country where the applicant has spent more that five years and a South African police clearance certificate or proof that the applicant has applied for a South African police clearance certificate
  • Original advertisement from a national print media measuring 60mm x 60mm,
  • Interviewee's report,
  • Salary Benchmark from either the Department of Labour or labour brokers,
  • Motivational letter form the potential employer,
  • Provisional contract signed by both the employer and the applicant,
  • Proof of experience in line with the job offer,
  • Proof of the company's registration documents, and the company's representative id copy.
  • Repatriation guarantee fee equivalent to a flight ticket to the applicant's country of origin,
  • Application For Change of Condition on An Existing Permit form  (bi 1740) 1st time application, or
  • Renewal of an Existing Permit Form (bi 1739) if it is a renewal,
  • Valid passport and a permit valid for not less than 30 days, and relevant pages of the existing passport of the applicant,
  • Our service fee of R8500.00​

Quota Work Permit South Africa​

Quota Work Permit South Africa is to address the skills and needs shortage of the SA economy. Therefore, foreigners with scare skills can apply for quota work permit South Africa. This is in accordance with the SA Government Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition, where the ministers of the Department of Home Affairs together with the ministers of the Department of Labour, and the Dept of Trade and Industry publish a list â€‹for  specific professional categories for which a demand exist in the national labour market, and a number of foreigners as per this list who posses specific qualifications and relevant proven experience of no less that 5 (five) years in the relevant field. Please note that the list is updated each year.

As it is expected that there are not enough suitably qualified SA nationals to address the skills shortage in the specified fields as per list, it is therefore not expected that the applicant for a quota work permit South Africa to produce an employment contract, neither is it expected of the potential employer to advertise the position.

However after the applicant has been granted the quota work permit South Africa, the applicant has to find an employment within 90 (ninety) days from the day of being issued with a quota work permit South Africa and has to report to the Department of Home Affairs

Requirements for Quota Work Permit Application.

  • Relevant qualifications and their SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) certificates should the qualifications be from a foreign institution,
  • Detailed CV,
  • Proof of registration with relevant national professional body in the relevant field of specialization,
  • Proof of relevant experience in the specified field,
  • Medical  certificate forms (bi 811)  and radiology report form (bi 806) to be completed by qualified medical personnel,
  • Police clearance certificates from each country where the applicant has spent more that five years and a South African police clearance certificate or proof that the applicant has applied for a South African police clearance certificate,
  • Application For Change of Condition on An Existing Permit form  (bi 1740)​​​​​​​​

Exceptional Skills Permit South Africa

The SA Government regard some skills and qualifications as exceptional, however the immigration act does not specify what skills or qualifications are those, however the potential employer must confirm in writing that the skills the applicant posses are exceptional. Should you have published material or some a doctorate degree, this could work to your advantage when you apply for exceptional skills work permit.

Exceptional Skills work permit is valid for three years and can be renewed.


Intra-Company Transfer Permit South Africa

Multinational companies can transfer their personnel from anywhere in the world to come and work in South Africa. Such personnel are therefore issued with intra-company transfer permit valid for two years only and the intra-company permit cannot be renewed.




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